How to Take Card Payments Over the Phone

Whether you want to accept payment or follow up on an invoice, it is important to do this over the phone. It can save time because people are busy. Just be sure that things move quickly anyway, even if people are busy.

People are still not used to paying with credit cards over the phone. But businesses can get a lot more money if they do this. So, let’s talk about some of the things people ask when they call to pay by credit card.

Is It Possible To Accept Credit Card Payments Through The Phone?

Yes, and in fact, many people like to do it. When it comes to business, over-the-phone payments are advantageous when the following conditions exist:

  • You operate a small or delivery-based company where the consumer does not personally interact with you or your shop.
  • You work on the move, leaving little time for prompt payments or follow-up visits with consumers.
  • Both you and the consumer would desire a faster processing time than possible with a check or a bank transfer.
  • You want to avoid carrying cash on your person or your property.
  • By requiring upfront payments from clients, you can secure your firm.

Customers prefer to speak to a person before they give away their money.It is advantageous for them if they can pay immediately. And it is a benefit if their purchase gets sent to them even faster when they buy over the phone.

It’s possible to make a phone payment, but you need a virtual terminal to do it. You can use this terminal at any time or place, and it doesn’t matter what kind of card reader you have.

Is It Safe To Take Credit Cards Over The Phone, Or Should I Not?

Yes, provided that all necessary processes are followed.

As a company, there are some risks with phone payment processing. These risks come from when PCI DSS is not followed. In a nutshell, this means that you have to follow the rules when you deal with someone’s credit card information.

With no rules, it will be hard. It is worthwhile to verify that you are adhering to the guidelines. One straightforward way is to choose a payment provider that handles everything for you. Square guarantees fairness in its process, so there are no problems with errors or conflicts.

How To Accept Money Through Phone

Accepting payments over the phone is straightforward and safe if the following procedures are followed:

Virtual Terminal Square

  • Log in using Square Dashboard to your virtual terminal.
  • In the menu, click ‘Make a Payment.’
  • Contact the client and get their credit card information.
  • Complete all applicable payment fields
  • Verify all details with the consumer.
  • Select ‘Charge.’
  • The transaction has concluded.

The following business day, you will receive the funds into your account.

Payments Were Entered Manually On The Pos App.

When you’re at the cash register and using the Square POS app, you may get a request to make an over-the-phone payment. You might be asked to enter someone’s card information if they forgot their card at home. This is like when you use Square Virtual Terminal:

  • Enter the customer’s purchase amount or add the products to the cart.
  • ‘Charge’ and ‘Manual card entry’ should be selected.
  • Click the ‘Charge’ button to enter the customer’s credit card information.

How Much Do Credit Card Transactions Over The Phone Cost?

It is worth mentioning that manually inputting a credit card transaction carries more risk than when it is there. Consequently, credit card networks have taken protective measures, which results in slightly higher rates for people who process payments.

Square charges 3.5% plus 15 cents per transaction for payments made using our Virtual Terminal or manually entered in the Square POS software. You can learn more about the costs associated with Square payment processing.

Faster payments, more flexibility on the go, and faster delivery for your customers are all excellent reasons to take over-the-phone payments. Though it may seem strange when you’re used to one-click shopping online, the more adaptable your firm is, the better. Rest confident that you can give such flexibility safely and securely with Square Virtual Terminal.

If your customers don’t want to pay by phone, Square Invoices or Square Online Checkout are good ways to let them pay using their device.

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